Wednesday, 28 September 2011

What did get minority in 65 years

Empowerment of the

community through legal,

constitutional ways-¤¤¤¤§§§§

We can be proud of having such

a secular, democratic

constitution of ours. Our

constitution can be described as

one of the best in the world. I

would like to cite certain vital

clauses of Indian Constitution

which ensure Minority Rights.

Article 14: Equality before Law

Article 15(1): Prohibition of

Discrimination on the ground of

religion, race, caste, sex, place of

birth etc.

Article 15(4): Enabling provision

for advancement for socially and

educationally backward citizens

including SC/ST

Article 16(1): Equality for

Educational Opportunities

Article 16(2): Protection against

discrimination on employment

Article 16(4): Enabling Provision

for making reservation in


Article 25: Freedom of Faith etc.

Article 29: Protection of Culture,

language etc.

Article 30: Right for

establishment and administration

of educational institutions by the

minorities according to their


In addition to the above

constitutional guarantees, there

are volumes of

recommendations by various

commissions such as:-

1. 1985 Kaka Kalekar


2. 1980 B.P. Mandal Commission

3. 1983 Gopal Singh Panel

4. 1986 National Policy On

Education With A Separate 5.

Chapter For Minority Education

6. 2006 Sacchar Committee

7. 2009 Ranganath Misra


It may also be noted that several state level committees and commissions were also constituted in the same direction. If we analyze the situation in its reality of contemporary Indian situation in respect of the minorities it is not at all happy. Sachar Committee and Ranganath Misra Commission both agree that the Muslims in the country has been neglected like anything and in many cases their position is lower than SC/ ST. Sachar Committee which looked into the various problems connected with equity, identity and security reveals that the position of the Muslim minority in India is really deplorable. If you verify all the development indicators, Muslims are in the lowest minimum. Both these commissions are of the view that empowerment of the community can be possible only through the united effort of the Community. Both these committees have arrived at a conclusion that unless political power is gained things will go from bad to worse.

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